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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Creature of Habbit

Why do I keep doing this to myself and this blog-o-mine? I start it up then just don’t write...will I ever figure this out?

I am a devoted reader and love reading all of the blogs I follow and I would be lying if I didn’t admit each time I hear a about a blogcation or read a guest blog I am a tad jealous of the fact that;

A.     I don’t even have a followers…(Not ONE!, and yes that was embarrassing to admit…is it me? Does my blog smell?) well I can answer that easy enough, YES. I must post more then once in a blue moon to make you want to follow or even find my blog worth while.
B.     …I cant really complain about anything else given my point A.

So if out of you kindness of you heart you could find the “Follow” button….over there…yep, click it! Then I would be forever thankful!!! And I would be that much more motivated to contribute to this blog!

Moving on….

Life keeps on progressing in Vancouver, I got a job-a job I actually LOVE. KL and I have taken up some hobbies and sports. We joined a soft ball league on Sunday nights, KL joined a men’s hockey league we both got gym memberships and I joined Bikram Yoga as well as Paddle boarding on Tuesday night …..WOUUUFFFFFF sounds exhausting doesn’t it? Its not so bad, its getting us out and about meeting people and enjoying this active living situation Vancouver has to offer.

We recently have been vacationing in the Okanagan…Osoyoos to be exact (if you don’t know it look it up) its like the Napa valley of Canada, while back in Vancouver its rainy and glum the Okanagan is HOT HOT HOT! Its basically a desert in the middle of B.C surrounded by mountains. Osoyoos is famous for the lake with the same name-it is known as Canada’s warmest lakes and it boarders Washington USA. There is a town called Oliver just next to Osoyoos that contains around a hundred vineyards and wineries that are open for tastings!   Its just heave! wine, hot weather, the beach oh and wine! What more is there to ask for…and the beautiful scenery helps as well. We just got back form spending the May long weekend there and I already am itching to go back!

Anyways I will leave you all (I’m hoping there is at least one blogger reading) with some pictures as to what’s been going on the past couple months. Come back soon!!! xo

[Osoyoos I'm in love-The pose of the Weekend]

[Our Resort-Bad Pic but it will do]


[KL & I]


[Back in Van-Paddle Boarding]


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Broken promises!

Long time and absolutely NO talk! Will I ever get this whole blogging thing figured out? In any case IM BACK and with lots to share! Kyle and I have moved we are basically all settled in, the apartment we ended up choosing is just perfect its 3 blocks from the beach and surrounded by the mountains we are in a great neighborhood with shops restaurants everything a 20 something girl could ask for. With the beach and city at our doorstep the opportunities are limitless! I am just having a love affair with Vancouver and the west coast, actually its more then that...we are pretty much in a serious relationship now, we just “click” ha-anyways what I’m getting at is .... I wish I moved out here sooner! I’m so in love! And happy.... hey it’s a great feeling so I'm bragging for once! Our place is just beautiful I put my want-a-be interior design skills in action and came up with this.....


More pictures to come I "PROMISE"

I have to thank my parents for flying out here early in our moving process; they helped us both get the place together and in its current beautiful state. I couldn’t be happier with everything the place is finally becoming a home…we just have a few more things to complete…but is anything ever “complete?”

One more big announcement! Kyle and are not just “Kyle and I” any more…

…Meet Georgian!!!! Our adorable new kitten!!! We picked her up on Valentines Day and we bout are in awe and love with this little ball of fur. She has been great company when Kyle is away working she a real cuddlier.

I will fill you all in on how things are going…Job, new friends and life style wise tomorrow! Along with our first weeks out here…envision our place with just a mattress and two stolen forks from Swiss chalet (shhh) it’s a funny story so hang tight and keep checking back. FOLLOW ME as I wont let you down this time…I will keep up with this blogging business!

N xo

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hello Everyone!
How awful am I? Start a blog and then go on a hiatus! Well I’m back and with lots to share!
Firstly, planning for Kyle and my ‘going away’ is underway. Both our mothers are taking charge  and organizing the night. (how nice-I know both Kyle and I are thankful) They have already sent out the invites (see below) and are just waiting for the RSVPs to come back.

 The party is going to be held on December 10th starting around 8pm. It will be a bitter sweet night. I am very excited to have a great night with all my favourite people but the lingering thought that we wont be seeing them for some time will be hard to take...but the excitement of it all seems to over shadow everything at the moment. What I'm saying is that It has still not sunken in that we are leaving, so i haven’t even had the time to get to emotional about the whole thing.
This Saturday Kyle and I are flying out to Vancouver to try to find a place to live and also a new car for him...seems easy enough right? Well let me tell you...ITS NOT!  Its probably because (like Kyle says) I stress over everything but I just want to have a sense of certainty that we will find a place and preferably a place we both like. The hard part is we are not set on one area yet! So I am looking at all of them and researching the areas, calling the landlords, making appointments...its exhausting...

We fly back the day of our going away party so hopefully we will have good news to share with everyone! (I will be sure to update you all as well)
Kyle is in Ohio right for business and I am back home starting packing. It snowed yesterday here...the kind of snow that suck around for at least a day but as i look out the window now i can see that it already started to melt. Its been unseasonably warm here which makes it feel less like Christmas (since i am so use to snow during this time of year) I am not minding the warmth but i was very excited to see the snow yesterday...I want to get in some good "snowy" fun before we leave, Tobogganing, ice skating, snow angels and snow men!

The house is all decorated and the tree is up! (we unfortunately have a fake tree so its easy put up and bring down) last night I went over to good Friends of mine, they just purchased a real tree and were in the process of getting it up and inside...easier said then done. After struggling with the height of the tree and having to measure once and cut twice we finally got it inside only to find the tree stand was broken and not holding the tree up right. The tree ended up back outside and we ended up open a bottle of red wine ha ha and to be honest even with all the frustration and pine needles everywhere it made me really want a real tree. What does everyone else think? Who else still does the frustrating task of cutting their own tree and vacuuming needles during the holiday season? What I cant deny  is the smell of the pine just put me instantly in the holiday mood!

I promise I wont leave you hanging like last time! I will try to update you all at least once during our week trip out to Vancouver and certainly once before we head out...


Friday, November 18, 2011

Welcome Aboard!

I’m not too sure how to go about this so I thought I would start by introducing myself (having writers block is not helping the situation.) Most of you reading this probably already know me but for those that don’t WELCOME and here’s a little information about ME!
My name is Nikki and I am from a smaller town outside of Toronto, Canada, that’s right I’m Canadian EH! (For the record we don’t end ALL sentences with EH! Or pronounce about "A-BOOT" but thats for another blog all together ha-ha)
I enjoy being active (although lately the gym routine has become a bit more lax) I will pretty much try anything once and am quite competitive when doing so.
My favourite season is SUMMER and I spend most of my time at my family cottage located on a beautiful beach in Ontario. We pass the time around warm fires and great company.  The wine and beer is always flowing and the food so yummy! I am a beach bum and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else during the summer months.

Girls weekend at the cottage

Bumming around on the beach
Like most girls I love shopping, all kinds of shopping to be exact. I can spend hours in the cosmetic or lotion section at shopper’s drug mart. I truly love decorating and designing the home and clothing shopping is just a given. Although I HATE mindlessly walking through malls, I usually create list of things I desire and shop online most times before venturing to the mall to purchase such desired items
I LOVE to plan and throw parties, at the moment I do it as just a passion of mine but in my heart of hearts I believe I should be doing it as a career.


I LOVE to dress up (not in the kinky way ha-ha) but in the Halloween costumes or theme party way. This is why I have thrown many parties which require a costume or have a clear theme.
Alice in Wonderland 25th Birthday theme party

 Cartoon and Comic Halloween Bash

 Halloween 2010 Bride of Chucky

Summer Baywatch beach them party
Ok so maybe I have a problem ha-ha but the first step is admitting it right...right?

Moving on.....

I enjoy baking and cooking (although am a much better baker than cook as I like to follow recipes to the exact measurements and I find cooking always works better when you “throw a pinch of this and a dash of that”)

OH! and I have an abnormal addiction to CHEESE!...I'm serious its a real problem (for the wast line and the budget!) I dont like your fake processed cheese, rather I crave all the fine gourmet ones! I have tried to quit or cut down but that only leads to late night fridge binges and hiding under my covers getting cracker crumbs all over the place. 

CHEEEEEEEESSS CHEEEEESSSSS...this video pretty much explains how I act.

Recently my boyfriend (I will blog a bunch more about him) has accepted a job offer that is taking both of us across the country to VANCOUVER BC.

I guess this little tidbit is one of the reasons I decided to start this blog, as a way to stay in contact with the people we are leaving and also an outlet for me to express all the changes that are happening with us... oh and a space for me to post pretty much anything I want to!

I hope you stick around, it may be bumpy but I'm sure it will be quite the ride!
